
Welcome to the new French blog, designed with and for the wonderful boys at the JB! Please feel free to visit and to leave a comment. Remember all comments need to be kind and not to put your full family name. (example: James J.) Au revoir!

Friday 25 April 2014

Year 4 Oral Tests

Welcome back! I hope you had a good break. You are currently working on your school presentations, which will be your end of year oral exam. Please make sure you revise the vocabulary and notes which are in your exercise books on the topic of school. I will ask you questions when you are doing your presentation from the iPad/computer. Remember to know school subjects/times/likes and dislikes i.e. j'aime etc. I appreciate you cannot take the iPads home, but you do have sufficient notes and information on the topic in your exercise books and some information already posted on the blog.

Wednesday 23 April 2014

Year 6

Welcome back, everyone and well done on your grammar tests on verbs! Your oral tests will be on next Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I will ask you questions on your presentation, based on what you have done. Remember to start it with Bonjour, je m'appelle et je vais vous parler de…..+ whatever, i.e. mon college etc. Good luck.

Year 3 Oral Tests ~Next week

Dear All, Welcome back, everyone! The oral test on your name, age, birthday, a bit about your family - mum/dad/sister etc and animals will be next week on Wed and Friday. You will find the information on page 24 in your spring booklet. If you need any help, please do not hesitate to come and see me.

Tuesday 1 April 2014

Year 3 video for animal revision

Year 4

Please note that there will be no homework over the Easter break.  4B, your presentations were fantastic, so far.  Well done!
Have a lovely holiday.

Year 6

The oral test will be based on your presentation and will start week commencing 28 May.  Remember to revise your school and daily routine.  There is help with all the verbs etc on older posts on the blog.

Have a wonderful holiday.