
Welcome to the new French blog, designed with and for the wonderful boys at the JB! Please feel free to visit and to leave a comment. Remember all comments need to be kind and not to put your full family name. (example: James J.) Au revoir!

Friday 25 April 2014

Year 4 Oral Tests

Welcome back! I hope you had a good break. You are currently working on your school presentations, which will be your end of year oral exam. Please make sure you revise the vocabulary and notes which are in your exercise books on the topic of school. I will ask you questions when you are doing your presentation from the iPad/computer. Remember to know school subjects/times/likes and dislikes i.e. j'aime etc. I appreciate you cannot take the iPads home, but you do have sufficient notes and information on the topic in your exercise books and some information already posted on the blog.

Wednesday 23 April 2014

Year 6

Welcome back, everyone and well done on your grammar tests on verbs! Your oral tests will be on next Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I will ask you questions on your presentation, based on what you have done. Remember to start it with Bonjour, je m'appelle et je vais vous parler de…..+ whatever, i.e. mon college etc. Good luck.

Year 3 Oral Tests ~Next week

Dear All, Welcome back, everyone! The oral test on your name, age, birthday, a bit about your family - mum/dad/sister etc and animals will be next week on Wed and Friday. You will find the information on page 24 in your spring booklet. If you need any help, please do not hesitate to come and see me.

Tuesday 1 April 2014

Year 3 video for animal revision

Year 4

Please note that there will be no homework over the Easter break.  4B, your presentations were fantastic, so far.  Well done!
Have a lovely holiday.

Year 6

The oral test will be based on your presentation and will start week commencing 28 May.  Remember to revise your school and daily routine.  There is help with all the verbs etc on older posts on the blog.

Have a wonderful holiday.

Year 3

Remember to keep revising, boys, but there is no official homework over the Easter break.  The oral tests will be week commencing Monday 28 April.

Have a wonderful Easter.

Year 5

You MUST learn your part over the Easter break, as we have very little time until the play when we return.  You can check over the pronunciation with the audio for your part on Edmodo.  If you have trouble logging in, please log in as guygolan - password 123french.  The script is on older posts on the blog.

Have a wonderful Easter break.

Friday 21 March 2014

Year 5: positions sur/sous/dans

on - sur
under - sous
in - dans
in front of - devant
behind - derriere
between - entre

Can you describe where things are in this classroom??
For example: la trousse est sur la table.

Year 5: rooms of the house

Year 5: to be - ETRE

To be - être
I am - je suis
You are - tu es
He is - il est
She is - elle est
We are - on est
We are (formal) - nous sommes
You are (formal) - vous êtes
They are (masc) - ils sont
They are (fem) - elles sont

Go to
Go to Francais - Encore Tricolore 1 section- Unit 5 - ex7 to 11

Funny song to help you remember the verb!! (try making your own song to help you if you don't like this one!!)

Year 4: time

What is the time? - Quelle heure est-il?
1:00 il est une heure
1:05 il est une heure cinq
1:15 il est une heure et quart
1:20 il est une heure vingt
1:30 il est une heure et demie
1:35 il est deux heures moins vingt-cinq
1:45 il est deux heures moins le quart
1:50 il est deux heures moins dix
12:00 il est midi
0:00 il est minuit

A modern song on time by Pauline Croze

Year 4 Presentations on school

You are working on your presentations on school and should be ready to put all the information together on the iPads.  Please make sure you have your subjects, the time, your opinion of the subjects/teachers/cantine/food, your timetable all ready to put together in a presentation format.  4B will be presenting next week.

Have a lovely weekend.

Year 6: the regular -re verbs in the present tense

Year 6 have been learning about two families of verbs so far... Can you spot the differences between the two?

-er -re verbs in French


To sell

Je vends
Tu vends
Il/elle/on vend
Nous vendons
Vous vendez
Ils/elles vendent

Some useful -re verbs to learn:
Descendre = to go down
Attendre = to wait (for)
Repondre = to reply
Vendre = to sell
Etendre = to spread

Practise online:
Section Francais
Section Encore Tricolore 2
On Fait du Shopping
exercice 11 and 12

Year 6: end of year essay

Le Lundi

Je me lève à sept heures et je m’habille dans mon uniforme: un pantalon gris, une chemise blanche, des chaussures noires, des chaussettes noires et une veste bordeaux et noire. Je mange mon petit – déjeuner: des céréales et du pain grillé. J’arrive à l’école à huit heures dix.

Je parle avec mon copain Louis et au joue le foot. Les cours commencent à neuf heures moins le quart.

Le premier cours, on a un double cours de Sciences. Le prof est sympa. Puis j’ai un cours de maths informatiq’e et après c’est la récré. Pendant la récré, je joue au ping pong. Aprés la récré, il y a un double cours d’EPS. J’aime l’EPS! À l’heure du déjeuner, j’ai orchestre. C’est intéressant. Pour le déjeneur, je mange poulet roti et des pommes de terre rôties. C’est mon déjeuner préféré!

Àpres le déjeuner, on a maths. J’aime les maths – c’est important. Àpres les maths, on a anglais. C’est ennuyeux. Notre dernier cours est géographie. J’aime le prof et c’est intéressant.

Je rentre à la maison à quatre heures dix et regarde la télévision. Je dine à six heures vingt, avec ma soeur. Nous avons les pâtes et pesto. Je me couche à huit heures et demie. Bonne nuit!

Year 6: regular - ir verbs

I choose - Je choisis
You choose - Tu choisis
He/she/one chooses - Il/elle/on choisit
We choose - Nous choisissons
You choose - Vous choisissez
They choose - Ils/elles choisissent

Some useful -ir verbs to know:

Finir: to finish
Remplir: to fill
Reussir: to succeed
Rougir: to blush
Grossir : to put on weight
Maigrir : to loose weight

Use Brainscape cards to revise:

Year 6: end of year GRAMMAR

Trip to Lille for Year 5



The trip will involve:
 - a journey by Eurostar
 - a guided visit of Modern and Old Lille 
 - a visit to a French café and lunch consisting of a filled baguette and a drink
 - a visit to the Palais des Beaux Arts
- an opportunity for shopping where appropriate.

Here is a great website on Lille: website on Lille


Year 3 Homework

Can you please revise all the topics, particularly the numbers, family and pets, which we have just introduced in class for your oral test next term.  You will be asked how you are, your name and age, the people in your family, their names and ages.  This is in your new book on page 24.  Do NOT do house and home, this is for later on.

Wednesday 12 March 2014

La Fontaine audio

Remember to practise your pronunciation as often as you can!
Here are the recordings of the different scenes:


Act 1 - Hare and Tortoise

Act 2 - Crow and Fox

Act 3 - Cicada and Ant

Act 4 - Ox and Frog
I apologise for the poor quality of the recording, but I hope you can still hear the pronunciation of the words! :)

Record and upload voice >>

Thursday 6 March 2014

Year 3: family members for revision

my family - ma famille
my grandmother - ma grand-mère
my mother - ma mère
my sister - ma soeur
my aunt - ma tante
my (female) cousin - ma cousine

my grandfather - mon grand-père
my father - mon père
my brother - mon frère
my uncle - mon oncle
my (male) cousin- mon cousin

... And me! - Et moi!

Year 4 - homework for week beginning 10 March

Please do the sheet on school subjects and opinions, using your own opinions on the subjects, as we did in class with the oral examples. For example, j'aime l'histoire, c'est utile. You have help on the sheet, so choose what is appropriate for you. You do not have to do the extension, but it is asking what is your favourite subject, as we did in class. Have a good weekend.

Year 6 week beginning 10 March

I appreciate you are inundated with MacBeth work, but please take the time to revise what you put on your school presentations and remember the work we have done in class. This will form the basis of your end-of-year oral exam, ie your school subjects and opinions on them, your daily routine and what you do at certain times. Please remember to revise the er ending verbs, as some students were writing je jouer, which should be je joue in their presentations. Good luck with the play. Can't wait to see you all in it.

Year 5 - Last call for pen friend letters!

I need to send off the pen friend letters by the latest next week (w/c 10 March). Can you please ensure I have these by then, please? You should be looking at your script, working on it and deciding how you will play the role - we will do this next lesson in class. Remember you are part of a team, too, so work with the person who is closest to your part. Thank you and have a good weekend.

Year 3 - Homework due for Monday 17 March

Please can you do your family tree poster, as we explained in class. It can be a made-up family, the Aliens, or the Simpsons or your own family. As we did in lesson, you can do extension work, describing some of the people and also remember to name them, using the format, il or elle s'appelle. Remember to include yourself. This will be displayed on the notice boards in school, so take time to do this properly. You will also present your family to the class from your poster. Have a nice weekend.

Friday 28 February 2014

Year 4: school subjects- for revision


1. biology                                la biologie
2. chemistry                            la chimie
3. physics                               la physique
4. geography                           la géographie
5. technology                          la technologie
6. music                                   la musique

7. art                                        le dessin
8. French                                 le français

9. maths                                  les maths/mathématiques
10. sciences                             les sciences

11. English                              l’anglais
12. P.E.                                   l’E.P.S.
13. history                               l’histoire                                                         
14. ICT                                   l’informatique
15. religious education            l’instruction religieuse

Thursday 27 February 2014

Year 3 Homework due for Monday 3 March

Please do page 17 in your exercise books, labelling up the Alien Family - the words are beside on the right and then draw the families underneath - just draw stick people, as I showed you in class if you want. Below is a video for a reminder of the family

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Year 4 Homework due for week commencing 3 March

Please either find IT pictures or draw and label school subjects in French in your exercise books. Be careful with the le/la/les l' which indicate whether it is masculine or feminine. You will also have help from the sheets we were working on in class.

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Year 5 Homework - Letter to Penfriends

We are doing our letters to our penfriends this week, completing them. They are coming to meet us and spend the day with us on Wednesday 7 May. Can you look out some pictures to add to your letter and any more information you want to give them on yourself. We have written about where we live, our family, our ages and our hobbies and what we like to eat.

Monday 10 February 2014

Year 3 w/c 10 February

Please note that there is no official homework this week over the half-term. However, please do NOT forget what you have done this term. As promised to parents, the 2 websites that you can revise from are - username - mspicer and the login is 6547. French K/s 2 or the S/p will give you the penalty shootout. The other site is username ucsjb password couture. Have a great break. M Spicer

Friday 7 February 2014

Year 3 Homework for Monday 10 Feb

Thank you for all your hard work in this unit. Everyone has done so well. Finally, can you finish off your numbers ie dates on page 14. Do NOT do anything else on this page.

Thursday 6 February 2014

Year 6 - Presentations on school next week as end of unit test

Please remember that your presentations on your school, timetable, routine and favourite days/subjects will be given next week. Make sure you know your vocabulary and are confident with your routine, ie je me leve etc. You have your sheets to help you and also on - username spicier - login 6547, you have the chanson de la routine, which gives you the basics. I have also put the vocabulary on the blog, together with a video on routine. Have a good weekend.

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Year 5 - Homework for w/c 10 Feb

Please remember that your oral presentations on family will be done this week and next. You need to rehearse your presentation, so that you are not just reading from the iPad. There are videos which we posted previously to help you with this. Thank you for a great first half-term of the New Year! Well done!

Year 4 - homework for w/c 10 February - Oral Test

Please remember that you will have your oral tests on transport, nationality etc next week. You must revise and learn this, as you will not have the help sheet in front of you. We will be revising and doing practice in lessons, so don't worry. Well done on doing so well in this unit and for working so hard this first half-term of the New Year! Thank you!

Year 3 Homework for w/c 10 Feb

On page 1 of the new booklet, can you please tick what you know about the unit - you may not yet be able to give date in full, we are doing revision on this this week, so don't worry. Can you also add what you have enjoyed about unit and what you have found difficult. Have a good week and I look forward to meeting your parents at parents' evening. Well done on a great first half-term in the New Year and thank you!

Friday 31 January 2014

Year 3 homework for w/c 3 February

Please complete page 7 in your books on the days of the week. Remember to add some colour to keep it neat. Can you sing your song, too of the days of the week and do the actions with it. You have 2 videos to help you which have been posted earlier to help you with the dates and days and months. Please watch and remember your months. Have a lovely weekend.

Thursday 30 January 2014

Year 4 Places in Town - help with revision for test next week - 2nd lesson

This is the video of some places in town, which will help you with your revision and preparation for the oral test next week, 2nd lesson.  You can also revise from - en ville

Year 3: dates - this will help you remember the days of the week and dates

Monday        = lundi                          
Tuesday       = mardi                 
Wednesday   = mercredi            
Thursday      = jeudi                  
Friday         = vendredi             
Saturday      = samedi              
Sunday         = dimanche              

January       = janvier               
February      = février              
March          = mars                  
April           = avril                          
May             = mai                    
June            = juin                   
July            = juillet                
August         = août                  
September    = septembre          
October       = octobre              
November     = novembre            
December     = décembre